Deadpool 3: Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Taylor Swift Game Night Sparks Deadpool 3 MCU Debut Rumors

Deadpool 3
Credit: (Photo by Kevin Sabitus/Getty Images)

Deadpool 3 Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are two of the most beloved and playful celebrities in Hollywood. So when they were spotted at a Kansas City Chiefs game with Taylor Swift and her rumored beau Travis Kelce, fans couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to their outing than just a friendly night out.

Rumors have been swirling for months that Swift could be making her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in Deadpool 3. The singer-songwriter has been linked to the role of Dazzler, a mutant with sound-based powers. Dazzler is a perfect fit for Swift’s singing and dancing skills, and her inclusion in the film would be a major coup for Marvel.

The fact that Swift was at the game with Reynolds, Jackman, and Levy, the director of Deadpool 3, only fueled the rumors. Some fans believe that the four stars were deliberately trying to send a message to fans about Swift’s involvement in the film.

Of course, it’s also possible that Reynolds, Jackman, and Levy were just having fun with the rumors. They have a history of trolling fans, and they know that anything they do together will generate buzz.

Regardless of their intentions, Swift’s presence at the game has definitely got fans talking. Some are convinced that she’s confirmed for Deadpool 3, while others are more skeptical. Only time will tell if Swift will be making her MCU debut, but one thing is for sure: it would be a wild ride.

Deadpool 3
(Photo by Simon Stacpoole/Offside/Offside via Getty Images)

Imagine Swift’s singing and dancing skills combined with Deadpool’s irreverent humor. It would be a match made in heaven. Of course, Swift would also bring a certain level of sophistication and glamour to the MCU.

If Swift does end up joining the cast of Deadpool 3, it would be a major coup for Marvel. She’s one of the biggest stars in the world, and her inclusion in the film would help to attract a new audience to the MCU.

Of course, there’s always the possibility that Swift’s appearance at the game was just a publicity stunt. But even if that’s the case, it’s still fun to speculate about her potential involvement in Deadpool 3. The possibilities are endless!

So, what do you think? Is Taylor Swift making her MCU debut in Deadpool 3? Only time will tell, but I for one am excited to see what happens!

NOTE: Read More Deadpool 3 stars Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman spotted at Travis Kelce’s game

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